A Fresh Start

A Fresh Start

2024 has been one hell of a year, and somewhere in the midst of it all, I lost my ability to paint.

It didn’t disappear completely, but that urge I used to get so loudly and clearly just became quieter and more distant, and much easier to push past and ignore.

It represents something bigger, a battening down of the hatches, letting myself only do what is absolutely necessary until the storms pass. But like a cheesy quote I read once, life isn’t about waiting for the storms to pass but learning how to dance in the rain.

Dancing in the rain is painting for me, and I know the people who love me know that. They ask me if I’m painting and seem concerned when I say no. When I paint, they are full of enthusiasm and praise. Painting is an essential part of me now, and I will build more space for it in 2025.

As a reminder to myself, I’ve added the Artist Manifesto I wrote for myself on my About page of my website, so I never forget that all parts of me need a seat at the table - now more than ever.

Thank you for your patience, your encouragement, and your kind words.

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